Techniques for creating bases and scenography (EN)

AK Interactive
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In this book you are not going to find large dioramas or vignettes that tell complex stories with a multitude of elements, figures or vehicles at different levels. That does not mean that it is not a great book whose content is meaningless, but quite the opposite. In making it we have approached its objective from another point of view and what you will find in this book are tutorials of small scenes, sometimes lacking figures and vehicles, but with details, techniques and curiosities with a clear didactic purpose, that can awaken the imagination of the reader and his desire to introduce those small details, taken care of to the maximum in his works.

It is about reproducing techniques to carry out small scenes, which at some Point have come to mind, but we have not had the opportunity to address. We will with this book to help us to take that step and maybe we will find the key of how and why to introduce that small detail or to have the knowledge of that finish that allows us to get down to work. In each of the works that you will find in These pages the author takes care of the details to the maximum, trying to integrate each element on the ground with maximum precision. Perhaps some of the examples in the book will awaken your interest and from These techniques and ideas as a starting point, with different figures and vehicles, you will be able to carry out your own scenes and Dioramas.

232 pages. Semi-hard cover.

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