Fate of a Nation (EN)

31,50 €

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The fate of a nation hangs in the balance. Israel cannot lose even a single battle. One defeat would mean the destruction of the tiny Jewish state. In 1967 the Israeli army seized the initiative and attacked first before the Arab forces could finishing massing on the border. Over six days, hundreds of tanks swept across the Arab defences, punching deep into enemy territory and gaining a precious buffer to keep the Israeli people safe from future aggression. In 1973 the time had come for the Arab forces to turn the tables on their neighbours, launching a carefully planned assault that caught the defenders off guard. Fighting on all sides, the Israeli Defence Force knew that defeat would result in their annihilation. During these conflicts thousands of wrecks would lay strewn across the desert. Tens of thousands of soldiers would be dead or wounded. There could be no peace between the Arabs and Israel.

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