Car Wars 6th Edition (EN)

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A complete redesign of the original game of autoduelling, Car Wars Sixth Edition plays faster and includes new plastic miniatures! This Car Wars Core Set has everything you need for four players to play right out of the box! The included 1/64-scale highly-detailed plastic car models have been pre-assembled at the factory, ready to paint and take into the arena. Or, to jump into the action quickly, use the minis unpainted; the bases are color-coded so that you can instantly tell which car is yours. Player dashboards include spaces for your car’s external armor, Tire points, and speed. Game Cards include a deck for each player color. Using Build Point and Crew Point mechanics, you can create a new car (and outfit your driver and gunner) in less than 10 minutes!
Sturdy turning keys work perfectly with the color-coded car bases; your car pivots over the key so that every swerve and turn as accurate as possible.


  • Twelve miniatures: Dragon, Jackrabbit, Slipstream, Superflash, Goblin, Boomerang, Scarab, Warhawk, Hotshot, Hammer, Butcher, and Typhoon
  • Four car bases (red, yellow, blue, and green)
  • Four dashboards (red, yellow, blue, and green)
  • Over 200 game cards
  • Six counter sheets (two turning keys, wreck tokens,
  • dashboard sliders, barriers, and more)
  • Dice pack includes 20 dice in six colors for all attack
  • rolls, defensive rolls, and movement rolls
  • Six Vehicle Record Sheets
  • A 24-page rulebook – from building your car to
  • movement and combat – all of the rules you need to
  • start playing within moments of opening the box! The Car Wars Core Set includes all components from Miniature
  • Box A, Miniature Box B, and the Rules Box.
Wichtiger Hinweis
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.

Alter: Ab 10 Jahren
Genre: Science Fiction
Spieldauer: Ab 60 Minuten
Spieleranzahl ab: 2 Spieler
Spieleranzahl bis: 4 Spieler
Spielart: Tabletopspiele Würfelspiele
Spielausführung: Grundspiel
Sprache: Englisch

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