Battle Tome: Disciples Of Tzeentch (HB) (83-45) (EN)

Games Workshop
37,40 €

inkl. 7% USt.i
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Lieferzeit 1-2 Tagei
1  Stück auf Lager



A mercurial maelstrom of background information on the Disciples of Tzeentch, including their nigh-unfathomable plans, how their cults propagate through the Mortal Realms, and legendary figures such as Kairos Fateweaver
Reams of mind-bending artwork that demonstrates the mutable majesty of Tzeentch
31 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the worshippers of Tzeentch, from braying Tzaangor herds to the spell-stealing Curseling
Rules for the 8 most prominent Change Covens, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and battle traits like Masters of Destiny and Arcane Armies
Path to Glory campaign rules that task you with gathering resources for arcane rituals, plus warscroll battalions and Aerial Battles rules for use in narrative play
Matched play content including 4 grand strategies and 5 battle tactics, as well as a core battalion for Kairos Fateweaver's personal coven
A showcase of kaleidoscopic Disciples of Tzeentch miniatures in a prismatic explosion of colour, alongside guides on painting them yourself

A vital guide to your Disciples of Tzeentch
Find all the arcane rules you'll need to twist fate in your favour
A maddening vision of forbidden lore, eldritch art, hobby advice, and more

A storm of mutating magic heralds the Disciples of Tzeentch – eldritch warriors in service to the Changer of the Ways, a mercurial deity who delights in anarchy and manipulation. Amongst their ranks can be found bird-headed beastmen, gibbering, fire-spewing daemons, and cruel cultists bedecked in profane tattoos. With soul-burning spells and shrieked incantations, these amorphous arcanists seek to unleash the madness of raw Chaos upon reality, reshaping flesh and earth alike to the delight of their dreadful patron.

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