Age Of Sigmar: Reign Of The Brute (80-50) (EN)

Games Workshop
35,20 €

inkl. 7% USt.i
zzgl. Versand

Lieferzeit 1-2 Tagei
1  Stück auf Lager


The Twin-Tailed Crusade is the greatest Dawnbringer expedition ever assembled. Across Aqshy and Ghyran, it plunges into the untamed wilds of the Mortal Realms, tasked by the Grand Conclave of Hammerhal with the foundation of two mighty strongholds. Yet the crusade's two armoured columns soon find themselves facing the wrath of titans.

Trugg the Troggoth King is roused from an ages-long slumber, rampaging across the Realm of Fire to smash those who would disturb his rest. In the depths of Ghyran, King Brodd, Prophet of the World Titan, seeks revenge against those Sigmarites who slew his colossal forefather. Only faith and firepower will see the Dawnbringers through – and keep their dreams of civilisation alive.

Reign of the Brute is the second chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic series of books driving forward the narrative of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll find loads of riveting background material detailing the travails of the Twin-Tailed Crusade and its mortal champions, as well as the mighty beasts and hordes of Destruction that roam Aqshy and Ghyran. The book also includes a set of Path to Glory campaign rules that link into later Dawnbringer books, as well as new warscrolls, narrative battleplans, and four armies of renown.

Inside this 96-page hardback book you’ll find:

  • A high-stakes, action-filled narrative spread across both Aqshy and Ghyran, as the Twin-Tailed Crusade encounters foes that are vast, ancient, and Angry
  • Warscrolls, background, and pitched battle profiles for Trugg the Troggoth King and new Ironjawz units, such as monstrous Maw-grunta Gougers
  • Path to Glory rules for sending your Cities of Sigmar army on a Ghyranite or Aqshian crusade, with branching quests, battleplans, and new rewards
  • Rules for four themed armies of renown, each with new allegiance abilities: Trugg's Troggherd, the Grunta Stampede, King Brodd's Stomp, and the Grundstok Expeditionary Force
  • Four new narrative battleplans that let you use armies of renown to play out key moments in the story on the tabletop

This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.

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