Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game Corebook (EN)

30,49 €

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2  Stück auf Lager


In Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game, players delve into the turbulent Empire of the Isles, to tell stories of occult lore, intrigue and drama. The Dishonored Corebook contains all the rules and background information you need to kickstart your adventure.

The book features:
  • An introduction to the Empire of the Isles, and an in-depth look at its history, its people and the struggles they face.
  • A step-by-step guide to play the role of the Protagonists: from grim assassins and rugged criminals, to intrepid explorers and stoic crown loyalists.
  • A host of antagonists and a myriad different storyhooks to inspire you, from the harsh, cold lands of Tyvia to sunny Karnaca.
  • Insight on the strange nature of the Void, as well as rules to harness the its reality-bending powers.
  • "The Oil Trail", a mini-campaign in four acts that serves as a perfect introduction to the City of Dunwall.
Wichtiger Hinweis
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.

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