Dark Imperium (EN)

Black Library
11,00 €

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Book 1 of the Dark Imperium trilogy

The first phase of the Indomitus Crusade is over, and the conquering primarch, Roboute Guilliman, sets his sights on home. His traitorous brother, Mortarion, marches on Ultramar, and only the primarch of the Ultramarines – with his armies of Primaris Space Marines – can hope to thwart the Death Guard's schemes.

Experience the beginning of the Plague Wars, as the Imperium's lord regent fights to reclaim his home from the Death Guard and their daemonic allies.

Fell times have come to the galaxy. Cadia has fallen, destroyed by the onslaught of Chaos. A Great Rift to the warp has opened in its wake, splitting the galaxy in two, and from its depths spew daemons and the horrors of Old Night.

But all hope is not lost. A son of the Emperor has risen from his long slumber, and with him comes the wrath of the Ultramarines reborn. Roboute Guilliman has returned to lead the Imperium out of darkness, on a crusade the likes of which has not been seen since the fabled days of the Emperor.

But never before have the forces of the Ruinous Powers amassed in such numbers, and nowhere is safe from their influence. From the dreaded Scourge Stars come the hordes of the Plaguefather, Lord Nurgle, and their pustulent eyes are fixed on Macragge. As the Indomitus Crusade rages on, Guilliman races to Ultramar to confront the Death Guard – and his traitorous brother, Mortarion.

Written by Guy Haley

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Due to the current situation and due to supply shortages delivery times may be extended and the release may be delayed.

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