Black Void: Under Nebulous Skies (EN)

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  • 1x Black Void: Under Nebulous Skies (EN)

"Black Void: Under Nebulous Skies" is the eagerly-anticipated sourcebook and campaign for the Black Void role-playing game.

Packed with new setting material, new character options including playable halfblood selections, and the first part of the grand campaign trilogy; this book is a must-have for Black Void fans.

The book's 250+ pages will have abundant beautiful art, detailing new creatures, sentient species, maps, a deep-dive into the Kimah and Dhaarese districts, intriguing NPC's and much, much more.

Divided into three main sections, this book has something for everyone! An exciting player's options section, a comprehensive travelogue and the first part of the Grand Campaign Trilogy, that will be continued in future volumes.

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