Achtung! Cthulhu - Terrors of the Secret War (EN)

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Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius - and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun! Inside you'll find a whole kit-bag stuffed with: An array of historical and fictional material to help you create exciting characters from across Europe, the British Commonwealth, and the United States How you can keep the home fires burning, become part of the Allied war effort, or risk everything by joining the partisans to bring down the Reich from within! Additional hints and tips designed to help you find out what dark secrets your past may contain... Details on what life was like in the various Allied and Nazi forces & intelligence agencies Occult organisations and Mythos-based missions New tomes, secret weapons, artefacts & equipment Key characters & vile creatures New rules and strategies for World War Two combat & survival The Fate Guides to the Secret War is the definitive guide to the late 1930s and '40s for use by players and gamemasters alike.

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