An Age Contrived (EN)

Skellig Games
74,99 €

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Lieferzeit 1-2 Tagei
1  Stück auf Lager


An Age Contrived is a fantasy euro game of engine building and resource programming. You play as a god in the Eldranic pantheon, where you are only as powerful as the mortals of this unstable world believe you are. Your goal is to establish yourself as the pantheon's prevailing god by securing mortal belief, as you advance the mortal realm from its age of darkness into civilization.

Each player receives a character board and a transmutation device, which they use to channel their energy into the mortal realm. Energy is how a god exerts its will, and is used to construct monuments, claim new tiles, and accomplish lasting achievements. Bind your energy for end-game scoring, and unlock new energy to replenish your reserves. The game ends when the last monument is complete, at which point the player with the most points wins.

There are two types of turns, with no rounds or phases. On a player's turn, they must either charge their transmutation device and program it openly, or use its energy to take as many actions as they have already programmed. Information is open, and the only luck is in the shuffling of tiles to set up the game. Player choices determine how the game unfolds.

The game features unlockable unique player powers, a board that players construct differently each game, and 5 ways to build your engine. You will be encouraged to plan ahead, but required to adapt your strategy in order to come away victorious.

Wichtiger Hinweis
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.

Alter: Ab 12 Jahren
Genre: Science Fiction
Spieldauer: Ab 60 Minuten
Spieleranzahl ab: 1 Spieler
Spieleranzahl bis: 5 Spieler
Spielart: Drafting
Spielausführung: Grundspiel
Kartenhüllen Größen: 70 x 120 mm
Sprache: Englisch

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