Pathfinder Cards: Chase Cards 2 - Hot Pursuit (EN)

Paizo Publishing
statt 8,57 €
4,69 €

inkl. 7% USt.i
zzgl. Versand

Lieferzeit 1-2 Tagei
1  Stück auf Lager


On your mark! Get set! Go! The follow-up to the fun and popular Chase Card Deck, this 51-card set provides new ways to create exciting and evocative pursuits. Each beautifully illustrated card provides a unique challenge to overcome, whether the heroes are tracking down a wily villain or escaping an overpowering foe. Like its predecessor, this deck’s cards are themed to dungeon, wilderness or urban areas, so you can use them to expand your chase choices, or as a stand-alone way to create hectic pursuits that your players will never forget!


Hersteller: Paizo Publishing
Sprache: Englisch
Art.Nr.: PIA3036
ISBN: 9781601256065

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