Dishonored Gamemaster Toolkit (EN)

26,99 €

inkl. 7% USt.i
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Lieferzeit 1-2 Tagei
2  Stück auf Lager



  • 1x 51-page Gamemaster’s booklet
  • 1x Gamemaster’s Mat with key rules and a dedicated area to track Chaos
  • 1x Reference sheets for your players
  • 1x Set of Chaos and Momentum tokens

Deeper into Dunwall The Dishonored tabletop roleplaying game transports you to the Empire of the Isles and beyond, to the conspiracies and machinations of its political class, religious sects, and populist factions. The Dishonored Gamemaster’s Toolkit includes advice, details, locations, NPCs, and new rules to help start an exciting campaign and to keep players on the edge of their seats! You will need access to the Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook to fully utilise this product.

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